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Shaking like a leaf

They’re pretty, but they can hurt

They’re small, but they can hurt

They’re weak, but they can hurt

Shaking like a leaf contains leaves, flowers and seeds from a local park presented on etching paper to create a stronger contrast between the gentle and harsh elements of nature as a whole. 


The artist’s organic collages show nature as a living element of study changing colors and therefore the tone of each collage.

Shaking like a leaf was installed on the wooden banister of the gallery’s staircase to allow the viewer to feel closer to each collage as it was at their fingertips and consequently creating a sense of discomfort and potential danger that contraposes the pleasing aesthetic of the flowers and leaves.

Site-Specific Installation, 2011-2018  

Collages Dimension 6 X4 in

Leaves, flowers, seeds, paper, pins 

Collages and site specific installation, paper, leaves, flowers, pins. 2011-2018

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